Now You're Just Somebody That I Used To Know

Alexander Thomas Boge

Born July 31st, 1963, a Wednesday, at 2:33 pm
to Thomas (1-28-31 to 6-20-11) and Nada (3-22-41),
My parents were born in Macedonia, I was born in Detroit, MI

Followed by my sister Marilyn Tammy 8-22-65
(who married James O'Boyle)

What made me?

Grew up in St. Clair Shores, MI
Graduated South Lake High School - Class of 1981
Worked in the IT field continuously since 1982, for my own and for other corporations.
First "True Love" was Lynda K S from Summer 1982 to Winter 1983 / Washington Twp, MI
Was married to Lori K B from 5-16-92 to 7-18-96 / Royal Oak, MI
Was married to Jill M D from 11-21-99 to 10-2-03 / Sterling Heights, MI
These days, spending time with the PhD in my life :)

"You can't give up, looking for a diamond in the rough
You never know when it shows up
Make sure you're holding on
'Cause it could be the one, the one you're waiting on

What am I?

Photographer, Software Developer, SQL DBA, Computer Networking & Hardware Expert
PADI SCUBA Dive Master (Colombo SCUBA Adventures) IPSC Shooter and USPSA Member, MI State Champion
Harley Davidson owner, rider and HOG Life Member. Second Chance Bowling Pin Shoot "Master Blaster"
Photographer for 16 years, Pictures By Alex NRA Benefactor & Life Member owner/producer Photon MI State Champ ("Toecutter / Black Sheep")
Technology Guru - my company Proto Systems, Inc. Science Nerd/Computer Geek
Degrees in Computer Science & Physics Conspiracy Theory Debunker

A Caucasian male, 6'3" with blue eyes (20/20) and grey hair, including goatee. SCUBA tattoo on upper left arm. Body Progress:

1992 190 lbs
1996 215 lbs
1999 245 lbs
2003 260 lbs
12-31-2008 336 lbs - Cholesterol 231, Triglycerides 216, Free Testosterone .85, Testosterone Level 77, Waist: 48

Jan 2, 2009 - My needs/goals changed. 1200 cals & <25g Carbs per day + 45 min treadmill without exception.

Tested: 04-08-09 246 lbs - Cholesterol 143, Triglycerides 116, Free Testosterone 2.03, Testosterone Level 792, Waist 36, no sleep apnea

8-30-09 226 lbs

Tested: 10-29-09 New blood test results: Triglycerides 72, HDL 55, LDL 98. CHOL/HDLC Ration: 3.0!

January 2010 - My needs/goals changed. Weight training regimen begun (4-5 time weekly 2+ hour sessions with machines and free weights) 200g protein daily with a new 3500 cal diet. Improvements showing almost immediately.

July 1, 2010 - Progress in all areas of muscle gain and strength. HRT treatments and other "modern miracles" to overcome the effects of aging .

July 31, 2010 - 47 years old and have never been in better shape, physically and mentally. Out on a boat when I can, still spending time in the gym. 200g protein, 25 g carbohydrates and 4000 calories daily. Weight is back to 240, waist to 38 and 17" arms. Feeling Great!

Early training cell phone picturePowerhouse Gym with trainer Mary-Beth

Who am I?

People who believe in Astrology would say I'm a Leo and could find characteristics that match (and I'd find some that didn't). I simultaneously younger and older than my age typically represents in American society. I'm a SCUBA diving, gun-shooting, motorcycle cruising computer geek who enjoys reading Science Fiction and watching movies (the ones made prior to 2000 I enjoy more than newer products of a different Hollywood). I'm currently retired from my computer career and have turned my photography hobby into a part time job that I enjoy a great deal. These days I enjoy event photography, flying a drone and riding my Harley. I love my family, I have a few great friends, lots of acquaintances, and have been investing in Cryptocurrency for many years. My biggest challenge is keeping my weight under control. Once skinny, I was subsequently obese, then in great shape -- and now I'm just overweight but working on it. It got easy to get lazy when life's so good.

What happened to regular updates? I just didn't feel like updating this site when I spend so much time on Facebook, Reddit, and X - you can get to know me there far better than a seldom, and randomly updated web page.. I'm not really sure how much time I'll spend on it going forward. Sometimes I think I should, but then again, who'd read it and why? Perhaps the best reason might to be update where I am in life now and who I've become. Note: My persona on-line is considerably different than my true personal life. Various details omitted for privacy/security reasons.

Don't judge this book by it's cover - you may miss an interesting story.

Me 2023

© 2010-2024 Alex Boge. All Rights Reserved.